06 octobre 2012

Philippe Faraut, sculpteur

Philippe Faraut est un artiste sculpteur figuratif spécialisé dans les portraits grandeur nature et les scuptures monumentales en pierre. Ses matières de prédilection sont l'argile et le marbre.

Quelques-unes de ses superbes oeuvres
Cliquez sur les titres pour les voir sur le site de Philippe Faraut

L'artiste, en vidéo

A propos de Philippe Faraut

Philippe Faraut received his degree in woodcarving and the construction of French fine furniture from Germain Sommeillier in Annecy, France, his boyhood home. An avid traveler, Philippe's destinations have allowed him the opportunity to study the cultures of many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, thus influencing his work in portraiture. After establishing residence in the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia, he developed an interest in modeling the head in clay. Soon, thereafter, he relocated his studio to New York State and began teaching sculpting classes.

Philippe has created numerous original works ranging from six-inch porcelain figurines to monuments in both stone and bronze. He has exhibited his sculptures in various galleries and national competitions including several of the National Sculpture Society's Annual Exhibitions shown in New York City and Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina, as well as the American Portrait Society's Annual Exhibit in New York City. In addition, he has studied forensic reconstruction with internationally recognized expert Betty Pat Gatliff.

During the past twelve years, Philippe has traveled throughout the United States and Canada, teaching sculptors and aspiring sculptors how to render portraits in clay at private studios and institutions such as the Longview Museum of Fine Art in Texas. Together with his wife Charisse, the couple has made Philippe's techniques available to students in the form of a three-part video series, in addition to a step-by-step instructional sculpting book.

2 commentaires:

  1. Rebonjour!
    Je te propose quelqu'un que j'ai découvert il y a quelques jours mais ho comment impressionnant! C'est le peintre Pierre Leduc au Canada: voir http://www.animalia.ca/

    Pierre Leduc, le peintre: parcourir les forêts en quête d'inspiration (par Brigitte Trahan
    Le Nouvelliste sur cyberpresse.ca)
    Voir: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/le-nouvelliste/week-end/200810/24/01-32692-pierre-leduc-le-peintre-parcourir-les-forets-en-quete-dinspiration.php

    Catherine Lussier (cathoo@hotmail.com)

  2. Bonjour Cathoo, merci pour les liens, j'irai les voir dès que possible ! A bientôt !
